Over 500 online retail stores built to date

The world is connected through keyboards and touch screens. We simply connect the dots and present your website to the end consumer, we bring you the correct traffic through direct advertising on different social platforms and follow them after they leave your website on to the web for more high percentage retargeting.

The most important part of any online retail store, keeping your customer lost in your sauce. Properly programmed sales funnels, triggered at the correct moments in your visiting buyers journey on your pages. Levering that data to convert future visits and purchases, like taking candy from a baby. Just showing your past customer or visitor, the right item at the right time and the right place.
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Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a website. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has established as a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist.
We can syncronize your website catalog to the big social media platforms and big box websites in order to maximize the chances of you getting exposure for your service or product, thus increasing return on investment for ad spent through social media reach and follow customers though their web journeys to convert.

We take pride in helping our clients strategize, implement and manage innovative digital ecommerce websites and campaigns that generate leads which optimize to online sales.
Not only do we execute in a timely manner, we educate you through every step of the engagement process to make it easy, just like being in your store. You will learn how to sell online, how to set up the infrastructure to ship the product with the existing sales people on the floor.
We will hold your hand through the website design & the process of setting up or transferring your current POS system. I will even show you how to take photos of your product for your store, create new brands, categories and sell it on instagram, facebook, amazon and ebay sales channels.
We are not your average website builders, we have online sales experience, shipping over 2.6 million in just under 2 years. The future of your shop depends on what you do today, set up a conference.
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